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•	IOM Iraq Emergency Tracking Shows 22,224 Displaced in Three Weeks of Mosul Operations Facebook Twitter YouTube Telegram

• IOM Iraq Emergency Tracking Shows 22,224 Displaced in Three Weeks of Mosul Operations

 ·IOM Iraq Emergency Tracking Shows 22,224 Displaced in Three Weeks of Mosul Operations


Iraq, 4 November 2016 - The IOM Iraq Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) on (04/11) recorded a total of 22,224 individuals displaced by fighting in the Mosul region that began on October 17.

The largest number of these internally displaced people (IDPs) are in Ninewa governorate, where 3,577 families, or 21,462 individuals have been recorded, (about 97 percent of the total displaced by the current Mosul emergency). Others have been displaced to Anbar and Erbil governorates. 

Since the beginning of the Mosul operations, the cumulative number of IDPs reached 4,182 families, corresponding to 25,092 individuals (from 17/10 to 3/11). The 22,224 individuals reported today (04/11) are those still in displacement. An estimated 3,300 recent IDPs returned to their communities between 18 October and 3 November. 

On 3 November approximately 141 families from Baashiqa sub-district passed through Mandan screening site and moved into Zelikan camp. Additionally, approximately 85 families were displaced from Al-Namroud village to Al-Hood village, where they are currently living with host families.

On Wednesday (02/11), IOM Iraq released its Mosul Crisis Response Revised Funding Gap report, which outlines the revised needs and estimated funding gaps for shelter support, including establishment of emergency sites; provision of non-food relief items; emergency health services; delivery of psychosocial services; emergency livelihoods and social cohesion activities. 

“IOM has had to redirect the funding for its humanitarian response to the establishment of emergency sites,” explained IOM Iraq Chief Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss. “Redirecting funds, coupled with the increased needs in some sectors, means widening the funding gaps for the provision of humanitarian life-saving assistance to the affected population.”

In addition to carrying out emergency programming, IOM recognizes the importance of investing early in measures that strengthen the coping and self-reliance abilities of crisis-affected populations to progressively resolve displacement. 

The DTM last week identified the 1 millionth returnee from the crisis which began in 2014, foreshadowing larger return movements to come in the aftermath of military operations to retake Mosul. This will require complementary support to direct relief assistance programming, in order to reduce dependency risks and prevent displacement from becoming protracted.

IOM Iraq is urgently appealing for USD 93 million to maintain its humanitarian assistance to the population affected by the Mosul crisis.

IOM’s total requirements for the Mosul crisis response is USD 147.5 million. This is currently 37 percent funded by the Governments of Canada, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO).


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