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• UNHCR airlifting 7,200 tents to Iraq to assist Mosul displaced

 ·UNHCR airlifting 7,200 tents to Iraq to assist Mosul displaced

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has begun airlifting more than 7,000 tents to Erbil from emergency warehouses in Dubai and Amman to assist Iraqis displaced as a result of the ongoing Mosul offensive.

The flights, carrying family tents from UNHCR’s emergency warehouse in Dubai, are arriving at Erbil International Airport for five consecutive days this week.  The first flight, with 1,515 tents, arrived on Tuesday night. Altogether, 7,200 tents will be unloaded.

“These airlifts are vital and will allow us to respond as soon as displaced Iraqis reach our camps and need shelter,” said UNHCR’s Representative in Iraq, Bruno Geddo. “UNHCR is securing a total of 50,000 tents and 50,000 emergency shelter kits for families on the move and these 7,200 tents will help us reach our target sooner,” he added.

Newly-displaced Iraqis have already begun arriving in UNHCR-built camps.  The agency is currently assisting 250 Iraqis in the recently-opened Zelikan Camp, in Sheikhan District, Duhok. UNHCR has five camps that can currently receive arrivals, with six more planned.

With full funding and readiness, the UN Refugee Agency will be able to provide a range of shelter options inside and outside camps for up to 600,000 people. However, UNHCR has only received 48% ($95 million) of funds required for its Mosul emergency response, costed at $196.2million, and is appealing to donors for additional help.



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