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• UN Casualty Figures for Iraq for the Month of October 2016

 ·  UN Casualty Figures for Iraq for the Month of October 2016


Baghdad, Iraq, 01 November 2016 – A total of 1,792 Iraqis were killed and another 1,358 were injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in October 2016, according to casualty figures recorded by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).


The number of civilians killed in October was 1,120 (including 15 federal police, Sahwa civil defence, Personal Security Details, facilities protection police, fire department), and the number of civilians injured was 1,005 (including 08 federal police, Sahwa civil defence, Personal Security Details, facilities protection police, fire department).


A total of 672 members of the Iraqi Security Forces (including police engaged in combat functions, Peshmerga, SWAT and militias fighting alongside the Iraqi Army, not including Anbar Operations) were killed and 353 were injured (not including casualties from Anbar).


Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 1,075 civilian casualties (268 killed, 807 injured). Ninewa 566 killed and 59 injured, Kirkuk 58 killed and 112 injured, Salahadin 16 killed and 02 injured, and Diyala, 04 killed and 02 injured.


According to information obtained by UNAMI from the Health Directorate in Anbar, the Governorate suffered a total of 227 civilian casualties (206 killed and 21 injured). Figures are updated until 31 October, inclusive. 


“The casualty toll among civilians continues to rise and the civilians continue to pay the ultimate price,” Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) Ján Kubiš said.


 “With the military operations in Mosul and other areas of Ninewa underway while Daesh continues to apply its terrorist tactics using civilians as human shields and executing those that resist, civilians are once again in harm’s way, and the figures show high numbers of deaths among the civilian population. The United Nations again emphasises that all actions necessary must be undertaken to ensure the protection of the civilian inhabitants from the effects of armed conflict and violence,” Mr. Kubiš added.


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