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• UN Training on Negotiation and Mediation for Civil Society Organizations

 ·UN Training on Negotiation and Mediation for Civil Society Organizations



Baghdad, Iraq, 20 October 2016 – A workshop to enhance the negotiation and mediation skills of local civil society groups and women leaders, organized by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and UN Women, concluded in Baghdad today with calls for increased participation of civil society groups and women in future reconciliation efforts. 

Speaking at the closing session of the four-day training, Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) in Iraq for Political Affairs, György Busztin, stated that promoting the role of women in peace-building remains central of the mission of the United Nations.  He reiterated that UNAMI’s mandate under Security Council resolution 2299 calls for women’s participation in local and national reconciliation and stressing the need for their full political participation. 

“We must all work to increase investment in building the capacity of women’s organizations and local civil society networks on conflict-resolution”, Mr. Busztin said.  

Mr. Busztin urged stepped up efforts towards implementing the National Action Plan on 1325 and opening the doors to women’s participation, particularly in rebuilding a peaceful post-ISIL Iraq. 

Women leaders at the workshop recommended opportunities to participate in reconciliation be accorded to them and called upon the UN to support their efforts towards rebuilding Iraqi communities in the aftermath of the conflict with ISIL. 

Dr. Paulina Chiwangu, Deputy Country Representative, UN Women in Iraq, stated that both UNAMI Gender Unit and UN Women welcomed the recommendations provided at the training and reiterated that the UN will continue working in partnership with civil society towards the full implementation of the National Action Plan on 1325.  She concluded by stating that “a culture of peace requires the participation of women.”

The workshop was jointly conducted by UNAMI Gender Unit and UN Women under the Department of Political Affairs’ UN Women Joint Strategy on Gender and Mediation. The training was provided in the context of supporting the participation pillar of the National Action Plan on 1325. 


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