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UNAMI-CTED Meeting on Technical Assistance Needs of Iraq Convenes in Baghdad

 UNAMI-CTED Meeting on Technical Assistance Needs of Iraq Convenes in Baghdad


Baghdad, Iraq, 25 October 2016 - The United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) and the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) convened a meeting in Baghdad today to take stock of multilateral and bilateral counter-terrorism assistance provided to Iraq within the framework of the priority technical assistance needs identified by the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee in close cooperation with Iraq.

Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Mr. Jan Kubis, said in an opening statement that Daesh continues to pose a significant threat to Iraq, and the timing of today’s  meeting was important because it comes as Iraq is in the midst of the military operation to liberate Mosul from Daesh.

“Iraq remains in dire need of bilateral and multilateral counter-terrorism assistance: it needs all the help we can give it both now and in the longer term,” Mr. Kubis said in his statement, delivered at the meeting by UNAMI’s Joint Analysis Unit Head, Mr. Namik Hayderov.

He stated that today’s meeting aims to encourage all to provide support in the 16 priority technical assistance needs that were identified by the CTED during the Committee\'s assessment visit to Iraq in September.

“When it comes to countering terrorism, Iraq needs highly specialized assistance in border surveillance, airline passenger control, oversight of terrorism financing, forensics and IED disposal expertise, to name just a few. Apart from those, our efforts aimed at countering violent extremism beg a particular emphasis,” Mr. Kubis said in his statement.

Assistant UN Secretary-General, Executive Director for CTED, Mr. Jean-Paul Laborde, addressed the meeting through video. He stated that areas to be liberated face immense challenges, from humanitarian assistance, to reconstruction and stabilization, as well as security and justice.

“There is a need for immediate action to consolidate and build upon the gains acquired through military operations and to facilitate Iraq’s development of the legal, institutional and operational infrastructures needed to counter terrorism effectively — whether in the legal sector, the judiciary, law enforcement, the financial sector, border control, or countering violent extremism — in accordance with the relevant international codes and standards,” he said.

He stressed: “We must all continue to combine our efforts to assist Iraq in this urgent endeavor”.

He said the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee had identified 16 technical assistance needs. “I very much hope that today we shall together identify ways to complement and align our respective actions in these areas,” Mr. Laborde said.

Participants comprising Government of Iraq counter-terrorism officials, representatives of Embassies and Permanent Missions in Baghdad, assistance providers, implementing partners from United Nations bodies and international and regional organizations. Mr. Ahmed Seif El-Dawla, CTED Chief of Section, and Ms. Nicole El-Khoury, CTED Legal Officer, briefed participants on the key findings of the Counter-Terrorism Committee’s visit to Iraq in September and subsequent developments and updates to support Iraq’s Counter-Terrorism efforts.. They also exchanged views on the tasks and he roadmap of the coming stage to mobilize support to Iraq’s counter-terrorism measures in accordance with international standards.

In their interventions, senior Iraqi officials welcomed the exercise and shared their latest updates on technical assistance counter-terrorism projects.

In closing remarks, SRSG Kubis praised the “rich and intense discussions” that have emphasized the complexity we face in trying to address the terrorism threats in Iraq, such as recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, terrorism financing and countering violent radicalization, while upholding our values and shared commitments to human rights and democracy.

“We are confident that today’s meeting and deliberations will be a significant contribution to moving this discussion to the next stage, which is focused on concrete funding and tangible support along the priority technical assistance needs highlighted today.”


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