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• WHO and Ministry of Health accelerate their medical intervention to manage over 1000 cases of suffocation in Qayarra, Ijhala, Haj Ali, and Makhmour



·WHO and Ministry of Health accelerate their medical intervention to manage over 1000 cases of suffocation in Qayarra, Ijhala, Haj Ali, and Makhmour

WHO and Ninewa Directorate of Health (DOH) have urgently reacted to treat over 1000 cases of suffocation arrived at Qayarra, Ijhala, and Makhmour PHCCs as of 23, October 2016 caused by the continued Sulfur plumes resulting from the burning of Al Mishraq Sulfur factory north of Qayarra District in Ninewa governorate.

Four ambulances were provided by the Ministry of Health to operate in Qayara in addition to two ambulances deployed by Ninewa DOH and WHO to assist in transfer and referral of cases from the factory location to adjacent health centers for emergency intervention. Masks and oxygen bottles were urgently requested by the health authorities in the area.

“We are deeply concerned about safety of people in Qayarra and recommend rescue service teams, police, and medical first responders to use personal protective equipment as possible,” said Altaf Musani WHO Representative to Iraq. “We are working hand in hand with the national health authorities to contain this environmental danger and provide the timely urgent response needed to manage the health consequences of such danger,” he added.

The two PHCs managed by WAHA and supported by WHO in Qayara and Ijhala, reported the arrival of over 1000 cases suffering from suffocation. Other cases with similar symptoms were also reported last Friday in the village of Haj Ali. Face masks and Hydrocortisone injections were dispatched to the PHCCs for protection and for treatment of emergency cases.

WHO, in light of this environmental danger and the lack of availability of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) supplying oxygen, advices to avoid inhaling the smoke and  seek immediate medical care if felt unwell.


تقارير وبحوث اقرأ المزيد
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